MAO-MFO Settings: Destinations

An explanation of fields and properties

MAO-MFO Settings: Destinations

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Allocation & Flow | Settings... and activate the Destinations tab.

MAO/MFO destinations include the processing methods, some of which may stand for blended products, setup in Economic Settings and stockpiles defined at an earlier screen of this dialog.

Field Details:

Destinations: select a destination to define its parameters.

Capacity limits options: choose one of the options:

  • [Unlimited capacity] used when there are no minimum or maximum limits in rock mass units

  • [Deliver at or below the limit] - enter the limit in rock mass units. used when you enter a maximum capacity limit in the Limit field

  • [Deliver exactly at the limit] - enter the limit in rock mass units. used when the limit entered in the Limit field must be respected (no more no less)

  • More Options when the project needs capacities in different periods, this option allows the user to define capacities per periods when this option is selected the Define... button is available

More options:  when the project needs capacities in different periods, this option allows the user to define capacities per period

Set grade constraints: this option allows the user to define grade constraints per period. The destination accepts only material with grades within the defined limits. To do so, the user selects a grade (element) from a list that is displayed from the Element column.

Stockpile only ore reclaimable at a profit: this option allows stockpiling only material that is profitable in the period when it is mined and stockpiled. Material that does not pay the rehandling cost will be wasted.

Do not use this option when stockpiling for blending purposes. Do not use this option when product prices or processing costs fluctuate over time.


Quality (grade) targets: click Add to add a new target, select a label and click Edit to modify an existing target, or select a label and click Delete to remove an existing target. The targets are defined similarly to Scheduler targets, except that the variables represent element grades rather than element mass.

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